Fitness Brain founder Jason M takes this potent fat burner and puts it to the test in our Hunter Burn review. Find out how effective it was and whether he thinks it’s worth the investment below…
![Hunter Burn feature image](
Written by: Jason M
Fact Checked by: Editorial Team
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Hunter Burn is a natural fat burning supplement that made our top UK fat burners list. Having used it for a couple of months, we thought it deserved its own write up – and so here we are with our Hunter Burn review.
In this Hunter Burn review, we bring you the full background to this supplement, go in to detail on the ingredients and leave nothing uncovered as we give you the full run down on what it’s like to take Hunter Burn and the impact it can have your weight loss goal.
More About Hunter Burn
Hunter Burn is one of three products that are manufactured by Hunter Evolve – and it is the only supplement they sell that targets fat loss. This makes them fairly unique in that they don’t market a wide range of supplements, and instead focus their efforts on making three high quality, highly effective products that are super targeted.
Hunter Evolve is actually one of Roar Ambition Ltd’s brands, and rather refreshingly, is a UK registered company with a UK address and UK based support.
The whole premise behind Hunter Evolve’s products (and Hunter Burn is no different) is that they are highly dosed. This means they cut no corners and aim to deliver the most potent product on the market – but still using completely natural ingredients.
The marketing behind Hunter Burn is very masculine, but there is no real reason why this supplement couldn’t be taken by women – however, it probably makes sense from a marketing point of view to target men with their branding thanks to the raw power behind the ingredients in the supplement.
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How Hunter Burn Works
There are many fat burning supplements on the market, and Hunter Burn sits nicely among the premium ‘natural’ products. It is natural because it contains only naturally derived ingredients and it has no synthetic additives whatsoever.
Another point to make about Hunter Burn is that although it does contain caffeine – this is derived from Matcha green tea, which has been proven to have a thermogenic impact on the metabolism – thus boosting it.
As mentioned, Hunter Burn is all about the quantity of each individual ingredient. I tested it for a period of almost two months and in that time I can testify that it had a significant impact on how I felt each day – more of which I will cover shortly. But one of the reasons for this, is down to the quantity of some of the ingredients – that are dosed far higher than competitor supplements.
We’ll discuss the ingredients shortly, and whilst I will tell you now that Hunter Burn has an excellent mix of ingredients, it is not a magic pill – and nor does one exist.
In short – Hunter Burn works as an assistant or aid to weight loss – it will not make it happen all by itself. Just like anyone who wants to lose weight, you will need to be in a calorie deficit to make this happen – in other words, you will need to consume fewer calories than you expend each day to elicit weight loss.
Any product that makes claims to counter the above is likely not very reputable. Instead, you want to look for products that will give your metabolism a boost but will also focus on satiation – or appetite suppression – as these are the areas where many people fall down when looking to lose weight through a calorie deficit.
Hunter Burn goes one further than that though – as it also looks to elevate your mood – which is another area that can often lead to unwanted snacking, as calorie deficits can leave us lacking in energy, allowing for fatigue and brain fog to kick in.
Let’s take a look at how the ingredients found in Hunter Burn do exactly this…
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Hunter Burn Ingredients
Considering the philosophy behind Hunter Evolve supplements (being highly dosed), it would have been easy for them to have put dozens of ingredients in to Hunter Burn.
But most of these would have been fillers with little to no impact.
So, it’s pleasing to report that they didn’t do that. In fact, they opted for just 6 ingredients!
This apparent illiberal number ingredients has allowed Hunter Burn to focus very much on the top tier inclusions that will have the most impact.
They are:
Konjac Root (Glucomannan)
If a fat burner does not include some form of glucomannan then it needs to have a very good reason – as it is one of the most well supported inclusions when it comes to appetite suppression. This is because this dietary fibre expands in the stomach when you drink water and really helps to keep you feeling full.
On top of this, having your fibre supplemented is important when reducing your calorie intake as the chances are you won’t be getting enough of it from your diet alone. This will help keep you regular and help to ease bloating which can give the impression of increasing fat levels.
It helps to regulate your blood sugar and cholesterol levels and is one of the most widely clinically supported ingredients for this type of supplement. In Hunter Burn you get 3000mg of Konjac Root (90% of which is glucomannan), which if we compare to something like Phen24 (with just 1000mg) you can see how impressive the dose is.
White Kidney Bean
This is an interesting inclusion and although the jury is out on the impact of white kidney beans in a fat burner, there is some clinical data to support it.
Hunter Evolve tell us that they include it as a carb blocker – as it is thought to prevent the body digesting complex carbs down in to simple carbs – therefore allowing the body to pass the carbs through through before they are broken down and stored as fat.
Whilst the science is sound for this, it is yet to be proven if it works in reality. That being said, their inclusion is not going to hurt and you get 500mg of them included with each serving.
L-Theanine is a widely used ingredient in the supplementation game, and in particular we see this amino acid found in nootropics – and with good reason.
Here, we see it being used for its nootropic and its weight loss benefits. Firstly, L-Theanine is well known for its mood enhancing and relaxing properties. Unless you have been on a serious cut or calorie deficit before you might not appreciate just how important this is – but it really is.
For anyone who is working out (whether that be cardio or strength based training), L-Theanine will give a welcome boost to the energy levels that might be otherwise lacking with the lower energy intake.
Additionally, there is some evidence to suggest that L-Theanine reduces the fat cells found in the body. Hunter Burn gives 200mg of L-Theanine per serving.
Matcha Green Tea
Green tea is often found in supplements such as Hunter Burn, however, with Hunter Burn we see the more potent Match variety of green tea used. Some studies have actually shown Matcha green tea to be up to three times more potent than standard green tea when it comes to boosting metabolism.
Matcha green tea contains catechins which are rich in antioxidants and help to increase the body’s metabolic rate. This alone is not going to help you burn more fat in a noticeable way, but when combined with the other ingredients and a deficit, it is a very welcome bonus.
We get 200mg per serving in Hunter Burn which is a very optimum dose.
Cayenne Pepper
Each serving of Hunter Burn gets 125mg of Cayenne pepper. This fruit is well known for its thermogenic properties and has been used in traditional and alternative therapies for centuries.
When the body increases in temperature we see the metabolic functioning increase as the body has to work to regulate the internal temperature. That’s one of the reasons why exercise helps us to burn additional calories. The same principle applies with Cayenne pepper and so this is a welcome addition to Hunter Burn.
Vitamin D
Finally, we have Vitamin D which is one of the most clinically supported vitamins going. Indeed, there is a plethora of research to support it as a fat burning aid, but more so, it is important for all round good health.
We take Vitamin D from the sun and some foods. However, most of us in the UK are actually deficient in Vitamin D and this brings with it a number of issues. One of which is muscle wastage.
Whether you partake in strength building or not, a lack of Vitamin D can lead to muscle degradation and the build up of an increased number of fat cells. For men, it can also lead to a reduction in testosterone which further exacerbates the problem.
Hunter Burn addresses this by providing us with 750 time the daily recommended minimum of Vitamin D. Quite simply, this alone could have a profound impact on your overall health and it is a very worthy inclusion.
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My Experience With Hunter Burn
First off – let me set the context…
As a male in my early 40’s it’s fair to say that my metabolism is not what it once was – at least it certainly feels that way. Like most men, I struggle to lose the stomach fat which is always the last stubborn bit to go.
I generally eat a pretty clean, high protein diet and always have at least one eye on my daily calorie intake, sometimes going further and actually tracking my macros and daily calories.
I workout 3-4 times per week with resistance training and I take daily brisk walks for my cardio. My daily maintenance calories are around 2,700 and I tend to aim for this most days. When I undergo a calorie deficit plan I do tend to lose weight but I find it increasingly difficult to maintain a calorie restricted regime for any length of time…
So I turned to Hunter Burn!
I originally set out to lose 2kg and was hoping to achieve that over the course of one month. This was a tall ask as I wasn’t carrying too much fat, but was probably at around 17% body fat using a visual estimation.
I decided to go for a daily calorie deficit of 400 calories. I usually go for 500 but I wanted to see if Hunter Burn had any impact on my metabolism and I also wanted to give myself the best chance of sticking to the plan.
So I started taking the 6 daily pills and started tracking my food and drink intake. The worst part about Hunter Burn is that there are 6 capsules to take each day! You are recommended to take them during the day with food, this soon becomes an easy habit to follow but I would prefer it if I could just take them all in the morning and be done with it.
That being said, the impact on my hunger felt profound. I generally did not feel noticeably hungry even during the first few days. I guess that was the glucomannan kicking in – as I also made sure I was drinking plenty of fluids.
I also felt pretty energetic. Not overly so. Not buzzing like I’d had a big caffeine fix, but just a nice calm energy. This feeling remained for the whole of the first month.
After 5 weeks I lost 2.1kg which I was over the moon about – but more importantly I felt great and I was happy with my appearance. So much so that I am going to commit to another month at least. I took advantage of the bulk offers and bought a 3 month supply so I may even go for three months – but will likely reduce the calorie deficit to around 250 per day in month 3.
All in all – the greatest difference I found when using Hunter Burn was that I didn’t feel like I was on a deficit. I felt full pretty much all the time, except for when meal times approached (which is pretty normal for me), and I felt energetic and focused in my work.
If had to sum up this Hunter Burn review in two words I’d say – ‘it works’. WellStart Health back this up in their own Hunter Burn review stating that it’s a high quality fat burning supplement with added nootropic support.
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The simplicity of having just 6 prime natural ingredients that are dosed to a high level seem to be the key to the success of Hunter Burn. For me, it was highly effective and left me with a much easier route to weight loss, thanks to an increase in energy and a lack of hunger.
Hunter Burn is not cheap, but if you can stretch to a 3 or even a 4 month plan then there are some great deals to be had – and it will make your weight loss efforts so much easier and give you a greater chance of success – it certainly did for me.